The astute reader among you will have noticed that this blog at best hiccups and at worst does nothing, and that every time there's a new post after a long pause, it promises (see how she divorces herself from responsibility by referring to the blog as "it" rather than "I") to be more regular.
So we'll take that as read!
However - I have had an epiphany this time, I really, really have. Here it is.
It's a life-changing idea. One of the things I really enjoy in my day, as you may have noticed, is taking Sev for a walk. It takes a chunk out of the day, as we generally meander for about an hour and a half, but I don't want to cut his walks down because a) he enjoys it and b) I get a lot of thinking done - I also get a lot of choreography done - but a lot of thinking. One of the things I'm missing at the moment, and actually for years, now, is writing. I never get the time to write.
So I have all these - I was about to say "amazing ideas". Let's maybe make that just "ideas" and we'll see! I have all these ideas that flit into my head when I'm walking. Things to write about, to share, to discuss. And I get home, and The Admin crashes in. The house demands tidying, school uniforms and Zumba kit demand to be washed and (hahahaha I was going to say ironed, but that's a blatant lie - I don't do that) put away (seldom does that happen either, while we're being honest about what a fucking slattern we are), Facebook is shouting "read me", and while that MAY on occasion be a bloody good way of wasting time, it's also a bloody good way of communicating with my friends and family, who are largely flung far and wide. So bog off! (defensive, much?!) Customers need contacting to check that they're delighted with their jewels (which they almost invariably are, but on the rare occasion they're not, they're delighted by how easy it is to sort it out - commercial over).
The point is, by the time I finally sit down, if that ever happens, the (amazing haha) ideas are forgotten and the inspiration has gone. So I've decided that I'm going to record myself rambling while I ramble, on my little voice memo application on the jolly old iPhone. This gets no use whatsoever except for learning lines, and it's about time it earned its place on my phone, frankly. Then I'm going to flipping well come straight home and type it all up. Dazzlingly simple. We'll see.
The main reason for this sudden determination to start writing again, in amongst all the other busy things happening, is that last week, while beginning to pack up my darling dad's house, I found a few files of his writings. I'm hoping there's going to be a lot more on his computer, which is currently kaput and requiring TLC of the IT variety (yes, I have TIOATIOA). Meanwhile, the sheer joy provided by being able to read his words and hear his voice in my head as I read - to have his words forever - is just the most precious thing that he could have left to my brother and I.
You know what? If I'm THIS delighted by that gift, would I not think of doing the same for my children? Maybe they won't want to read this stuff when I'm gone, but maybe they will. Maybe when they're grown up and they have kids of their own, they'll want to be able to say "Read this - this was your grandmother." (Note to self, swear less.) (Second not to self, fuck it, - future grandchildren, this was your grandmother, warts and all). But in any case, having received that amazing gift from my dad, I'm figuring I ought to at least attempt such a gift for my children, although I'm sure not with his level of skill. But I's'll do me best.
Meanwhile, before he went in to hospital two years ago, Dad started a blog! I'm attaching a link. You may go and have a read if the mood takes you. It's my gift to you. I wish he had kept it for longer, but I'm glad it's there. It's not a patch on his stories, mind, but nevertheless, his voice and attitude and general Mick-ness is in it. Ladies and Gents, my Dad: Dad's Blog
See, now I want to go back and tidy up the grammar, because this is a direct transcript of me talking to myself, but the kids just got home for school and I have promised myself I'll be a bit more present.
To quote my Dad - Pip pip!