Tuesday, 31 October 2017

The Eyes Have It.

I've gone in to detail on what has happened to my eyes in the past, so here's a nutshell.  Or as much of a nutshell as I've ever been able to produce.

October 2015 - spotted a weird distortion right in the centre of my vision in my right eye, so a straight line looks like it has a little perfectly circular blob half way along.  Diagnosed as vitreo-macular traction - should sort itself out.  This was 29th October 2015 - two years and two days ago.

January 2016 - while teaching Zumba, saw my retina tear and a flourish of black pigment appear in front of my vision in my right eye - probably associated with vitreo-macular traction, but a very rare side-effect.  Leaped straight on train to Moorfields, still in sweaty Zumba gear, was seen at midnight and retinal tear repaired at 9am the very next morning.

31st March 2016 - vision looked odd.  Kept thinking there was someone creeping up behind me.  Shadows everywhere and blue flashes.  Went to bed at midnight, turned off light, turned on back-lit Kindle and realised that the bottom 5% of my vision was not there.

1st April 2016, being luckily enough in London from the night before, got to Moorfields at 7am, all the while watching the obscured portion at the bottom of my vision rising.  Like standing in a sinking ship and seeing the water rise.  Saw a consultant at around 9am (having been triaged and seen a series of nurses to do various checks, dilate eyes etc - really can't be done much quicker than that).  Consultant confirmed that my retina had begun to detach and was detaching quite fast.  He walked me upstairs to the appropriate waiting room, where I was put on the list for immediate operation.

4pm that same day, shortly after the fire alarm went off with hilarious consequences of a hospital full of partially sighted people milling around with arms outstretched, arses hanging out of the back of hospital gowns, looking for fire exits and generally panicking mildly (although more about missing our operations than burning to death), I was operated upon.

I had asked the surgeon for some funky pre-meds and had all sorts of cocaines and diazepams and lord knows what-all else besides, pumped into my veins and eyes, with the result that I was highly relaxed when the 12 year old surgeon clamped my eye open, remarking that I had very long eyelashes.  So relaxed, indeed, was I, that I drawled "why young man - are you flirting with me?" causing the senior surgeon and all the theatre nurses to get an attack of the giggles.

Anyway.  That all went as well as can be expected but I was told that due to the fact that my retina had fully detached by the time they operated (which was far faster than they would have expected it to do so), there was a strong chance that I wouldn't regain my vision in my right eye, and that if I did, it would be at best partial.

Was instructed to sit still and stare at a wall for seven days and seven nights (yes, sleeping upright), and thank god for Terry Pratchett audio books because sitting and sleeping upright, for the woman with the double scoliosis, corkscrew spine with Scheuermann's-afflicted vertebrae is - well, let's just say that was seven very long days and seven very long nights.  But on day 8, I saw some light - some movement of colour - and slowly, slowly, over the next ten days or so, my vision came back.  It was twisted and distorted, and looking at my children with my right eye scared the shit out of me because they didn't look like them and I was terrified that something would happen to my left eye and I would forget what they looked like.

Three months of minimal exercise followed.  Long, slow walks, with a nice long neck like a giraffe lady and a still head.  No gardening, even, because the head movement was deemed dangerous.  No Zumba - sob sob.

But it passed - of course it did.  These things do.  And all had gone a million times better than expected.

July 2016 I was told that the retinal reattachment, where they blast a laser through your lens (I absolutely won't tell you what else they did - you genuinely don't want to know), had caused damage to the lens, leading to a cataract.  Oh so sexy!  Cataracts, in a 48 year old.  But it was to be expected - it's a common side-effect.  I had to wait until it got bad enough to be operated on by the NHS, which is fair enough.  There are plenty of people who needed it more than I did at the time.  It was hard to watch the vision deteriorate again, and in a different way, but I knew what was happening, so it was okay.

This wait took about a year, during which things were fairly uneventful, except for the slow deterioration of the cataract.  Colours faded, detail and texture disappeared, and sunshine or electric light hitting the lens blasted bright dispersed light all around the eye, blinding me temporarily.

Eventually, the cataract was bad enough to operate on!  Hurrah!  I was offered the choice of having the op at Moorfields or Basingstoke.  Opted for Basingstoke, in order to leave Moorfields operating theatre clear for people with detached retinas etc.  I think I have mentioned this elsewhere so forgive me if you've heard it before.  I'm never sure if I've written for myself, sent someone an email or published a blog.

After a couple of administrative hiccups (like getting me in for my pre-op five days before the operation, and telling me at that point that I had to not wear my contact lenses for 14 days before the op... erm, oh-kayyyy ... so having to have the operation rescheduled blah blah), the lens replacement was done - July 2017.

I was told that as my eyesight is so bad, once they had dealt with the right eye, I could come back and have the left one done, on the NHS, as there would be a massive discrepancy.  The right one (the "bad" one) was on a dioptre of -13 plus 1.5 astigmatism by the time they operated, and dropping almost a full dioptre per fortnight by that time, and the left one (the "good" one) is now -7, which basically means I am blind as a bat without either lenses or glasses.  The lens replacement in the right eye would sort out the short-sightedness (all being well) and so I'd have one eye that wasn't short-sighted at all and one (the good one - hah!) that, without correction, is pretty bloody useless beyond a 5cm distance.

I know a few people who have had lens replacements and swear by them, so if you're thinking of it to improve your eyesight, bully for you and go for it.  I will not be having the other eye done.  I'll leave it at that.

Don't let me put you off.  Mine was bloody tricky, as during the retinal reattachment, they had to remove the vitreous jelly (I know, I said I wouldn't tell you, but it's relevant!) from inside my eye, and the body naturally replaces this jelly with fluid - I don't know what fluid.  Saline or something - just fluid.  When they do the lens replacement, they cut a small incision in the sac housing your natural lens, mince the lens in situ, and suck it out, leaving the sac temporarily empty, ready for filling with a nice new plastic perfect lens.  The sac itself is a millifraction of a hair's breadth thin.  In a normal eye, this gossamer-thin sac is resting on a nice bouncy but stable cushion of vitreous jelly.  In someone who's had a vitrectomy, this delicate sac is floating on water and moving about all over the place, making it extremely tricky.  As the surgeon explained to her junior, WHILE she was actually performing the procedure.  Cheers, bird.

Anyway.  That all seemed to go fine.  Happened on a Friday.  I started to be able to see (peering illegally out from under my clear plastic eye cup which was sexily taped to my face with masking tape, with a big purple arrow drawn on my forehead pointing to the eye that had been operated on) in the waiting room afterwards, having my cup of tea and waiting for Simon to come and take me home, and when I woke up on Saturday morning, my vision was pretty good.  On Sunday and Monday it was perfect.

On Monday night, it went "poufffff" as if someone had dropped a drip of oil onto the surface of my vision, and once more I couldn't see.  The next morning it was the same, so I rang the hospital.  They said not to worry it was early days.  I rang again the next morning, and this time remembered to explain my history (you always assume people know, don't you?) and they went "christ, fuck, shit, fuck, bollocks, bugger, how quick can you get here?" or words to that effect.  By this time my vision had become very granular - like a really cool film noir, but in colour, and actually not that cool when it's your actual vision.

** EDIT **  I forgot to add that at this point my vision was also completely whiting out any time I stood up or moved quickly.  The likely diagnosis given for this was transient ischaemic attacks - as a precursor to having a massive stroke.  **


In I went and HURRAH!  Yet another new and interesting way to go blind - this one, a very, very rare side-effect of lens replacement after retinal detachment.  I had developed the macular oedema which I'm sure I've described elsewhere so I won't bore you again.  First call treatment for this is eye drops.  Easy, right?  Wrong.  Three different types of drops, one twice a day, one three times a day and one four times a day.  Leave a minimum of 15-30 minutes between each type.  Alarms going off on my phone nine times a day, or there's no way I'd have remembered, big chart to tick off once I'd actually done them (rather than just been reminded by the phone to do so) and carrying my beautiful little eyelash pouch with me everywhere - bed, bath, kitchen, dog walks, Zumba, 'planes, trains and automobiles for ten weeks.  Some of the little fuckers stung like a bastard, too.  However, the second resort, if the drops don't work, is injections into the back of the eye, so you can imagine that I was not complaining about the drops, and was making bloody sure I did them as and when necessary, absolutely without fail.

Surgeon wanted to see me 6-8 weeks after the diagnosis of the oedema, to see whether the drops were working or the oedema was growing, which would, quite quickly, blind me.  Appointment was set, via letter, for 10 weeks post-diagnosis, by the admin department.  I didn't question this (because you always assume people know, don't you? ... again.  Learn that lesson, Pennington, for fuck's sake!).

I'd been given enough drops for two months, but I figured I could use each set for five weeks probably without too much danger of them going off and disintegrating my eyeballs etc etc (Drama Queen, moi?!).  The drops, by the way, were steroids to kill the oedema, NSAIDs to take down the inflammation and pressure drops to stop the steroids from inflating my eyeball until it exploded - no, not really - but it causes glaucoma which I really don't need, thank you very much.  I have had pressure issues at every step of this process, so this was particularly important.

At this stage my vision had changed again.  It wasn't so granular, but it was very cloudy and I was extremely concerned, but knowing that I had an appointment coming up, I figured it could wait a few more days.

Five days before the appointment, which was set for 19th September, I received a letter pushing the appointment back to 31st October - i.e. a full 16 weeks after the diagnosis, and ten weeks after the surgeon had wanted to see me.  There is a blog somewhere, or a Facebook post about how I eventually sorted this out (it did involve me having to cry down the phone, eventually), and how I managed to get my GP to prescribe me some nice fresh drops that were not contaminated from being open for too long (that definitely involved a lot of crying down the phone, for fuck's sake), and they managed to see me just a day later than my original appointment, on 20th September - although not with my own surgeon, but a jolly nice different chap.

That appointment was amazing.  The macular oedema was all but resolved by the drops.  No injections into the back of the eye.  I was bowled over.  I was amazed.  I was delighted.  For the first time since this began, I had an appointment where there wasn't some kind of horrible new shitty way of going blind.  Oh yeah, I had a posterior capsule occlusion (PCO) - the back of the lens sac had gone thick and cloudy, which meant that I couldn't see so well, but nothing dangerous, and something that is easily operated on, so hurrah!  Reduce the drops, Mrs Pennington, and we'll see you in a few weeks to see if it's completely gone and make an appointment for the PCO operation.  Ooh, when can we do that.  Tell you what, let's see if they've already filled your appointment that was booked for the 31st October.  They haven't!  Book yourself in.  So I did.

In I went today.  I was a little frightened, maybe, deep down, but I've got in the habit of assuming against all the evidence to the absolute contrary that everything will be okay, and fronting it all out accordingly.  If it's not (when it's not), that's when I deal with it.  I can't be doing with what ifs.  There are too many actual issues to be dealt with Right Now to be fearing possible consequences which may never happen.  I mean, while all of this has been going on, my Dad got ill, and iller, and better, and ill again, and iller, and better, and very ill, and died.  So.  You know.

In I went.  I booked in at reception and the Green Waiting Area, where I waited.  I had an eye test for my right eye where I could read everything down to the bottom row (GET FUCKING INNNNN!) and for my left eye where I couldn't even see the board, because I hadn't put my contact lens in that eye this morning, as when I took it out last night it felt like I'd taken off half the surface of my cornea.  I know.  Don't.  It's fine, honestly.

In went the dilating drops - both eyes, this time, so at least I currently match, even if I do look like a superannuated Beanie Baby - and off to the Green Waiting Area for The Waiting.  Ooh, here we go - hi def scan of the retinas, watch the birdie - no, the blue dot and try not to follow the red line down the way, keep still, don't blink, and off you go back the the Green Waiting Area for more of The Waiting.

When my name was called it was my surgeon who was seeing me, which was nice, as I didn't need to explain everything (just what had happened at the last appointment as neither of us could read the nice man's loopy writing).  She had a look.  She hummed.  She put the yellow numbing drops in and took the pressure of both my eyes - normal.  First time the pressure's been normal, unmedicated, in nearly two years.  She checked the surface of the left eye for corneal damage - none.  She brought my scans up on the screen, and we both had a good look at the one from July (oedema), the one from September (virtually resolved oedema) and today's.

"Mrs Pennington, that scan is pristine.  Your vision in your right eye is showing as 20/20.  Everything looks wonderful and if it's okay with you, I am happy to discharge you from our care today."

Guess who cried?  Me?  You're right.  Her?  You're right, too. 

Me:  "Gosh, I'm sorry - what a prat!  Please ignore me!"

Her:  (teary eyed and wobbly of chin)  "You've had a bit of a journey, Mrs Pennington, and I'm not surprised it's all quite emotional.  I'm delighted for you."

I don't think I realised until that moment how much this has weighed down on me these last two years.  It's all very well not acknowledging or worrying about potential consequences, but they do catch up.  Maybe it helped that there have been so many other things to worry about.  There has been no time to dwell.

Anyway, I pulled myself together sufficiently to walk out of the consulting room without freaking out the other Waiters in the Green Waiting Area - because I looked like I'd had really bad news - and made it to the loos, where I locked myself in and cried some more.  Then I pulled myself together again and almost made it to my car before I collapsed in tears again.  Christ on a bike - where are all these tears coming from - it's happening again as I type this.

I'm so happy it's over - at least for now.  My right eye vision IS 20/20, but that doesn't mean it's perfect, oddly.  It's still distorted, straight lines are not straight and never will be again, but so fucking what?  I thought I was going blind, and the bloody fabulous NHS has saved my sight.  I can SEEEEE!

I don't regret any of this happening, and I don't wish it hadn't.  It has been fucking horrible, but it has taught me a lot.  It has taught me not to take my sight for granted for so much as a second.  You'd think that a dancer, a reader, an artist, a cook, a photographer, a crafter, a gardener, a person, in short,  who utterly delights in her vision would have realised this sooner, wouldn't you?  It's taught me a lot more, actually.  I'm still learning.

The one thing I wish about all of this, with all of my heart, is that my Dad was here so I could ring him up and tell him:  "I'm alright, Dad", and hear him reply, "Who loves ya, baby?".

Pip pip.