Well, I guess I’ve got to start somewhere - no pressure! If a blank page is scary, a blank website is terrifying! I had planned to start this a couple of weeks ago, when the plants woke up and the sap started rising in the trees (WHAM!) but my laptop took a fatal lemming-esque plunge off the kitchen work-surface and onto the granite floor below, so I have been sans Mac for some time. However, I am now typing this on the beautiful replacement (note to self: computers do not bounce - make this one a nice nest in a room with carpets), and trying to whittle down all the things I’ve wanted to write while I was forced into luddite-like suspended animation.
Frogs seem as good a place to start as any...
It’s THAT time of the year, and the frogs in the top pond are at it like rabbits. They are shameless, and thoroughly enjoying scenes so orgiastic that a seasoned porn star would avert her gaze, blushing like a virgin. The billowing pillows of spawn they’ve produced double as bouncy castles for twice the fun, and the whole pond is basically a seething mass of frog sex. Fair play to them, I say. They’ll have to wait another year for another go.
Plans for today - well, after I’ve done the usual breakfast/school run/dog walk start to the day, I’m planning on making wild violet jelly. I’ve had a bit of a bee in my bonnet about it for a couple of weeks, now, and today’s the day. The violets are picked and steeped, and now I just have to study the multitude of recipes in various books and various websites, and come up with something which works!
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