Thursday, 19 January 2012

Original Sin 1. Sloth.

This week’s feat of startling ineptitude is the emptying of three quarters of a brand new large pot of Tropical fish food directly into the fish tank.  I then spent an entertaining total of three hours trying to sieve it out without either killing the fish by sieving them out along with the increasingly slimy, gunky flakes, or allowing them to commit a gluttonous suicide by giving them time to gorge themselves into a watery early grave.

AFTER the cleaning yesterday night...

The blame for all of this lies squarely, I firmly believe, with the slovenly act of Sitting On The Sofa...  I never ever just sit and do nothing in the day, and I am beginning to see why.

This week, however, I had to read two scripts in quick succession so I could pass them on to the next reader for consideration for our summer production at the Village Hall.  Major fundraiser for the hall – important decision and hence not to be taken lightly!  Anyway, due to this, I very excitedly settled in on the sofa with a blanket and the scripts, feeling very self-indulgent indeed and positively debauched, darling, not to be up to my effing elbows in mud or soup or bleach or felt or SOMETHING. Having finished script 1 and got bored with script 2 (probably won't be recommending that one, then...), I was ambling past the fish tank considering some lunch, when I noticed the fish tank was still in darkness.  Hmm, I thought to myself, rather a long night for the fishies - still, it IS winter.  So, anyway, I switched the light on (VERY quick sunrises and sunsets in Fishland) and opened the LARGE tub of food.  I then noticed that the glass felt a little cold.  It IS a cold room, having no radiator and a fireplace, resulting in quite some draughtiness.  I stuck my finger in the water, which also felt cold, so I checked the heater thingy (that would be "the heater", in English) and tried to turn it up, forgetting that the large open tub of fishfood was still in my hand.  Whoosh.  Fish banquet.  Human nightmare.  

Slowly clearing...

I may have somewhat strayed from the original point, here, but I feel that if I had not been sitting on the sofa, I would not have noticed the fish tank at all, which would not now resemble more closely a bouillabesse than a tank of nice clean water. The hours of cleaning which followed were no more nor less than I deserved.  So I shall not be sitting on the sofa during the day again. It is clearly the root of all evil.


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