Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Seven Deadly Sins - (Enforced) Sloth, vol 2

Well, what a sorry state of affairs.  I've torn a little (alright, a big) muscle - hamstring - and my physio-geezer tells me I must apply ice - twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off - and rest for 72 hours.  Rest?  REST?!  Oh yes, I've heard of that....

So I have repaired to the sofa, with laptop, ice-pack, remote controls, dog and a spot of needle-felting.

My Nest

I'm having to put my suspicions that the sofa is the root of all evil during daylight hours on a back burner, for the time being, what with this being doctor's orders, and all.  Speaking of The Sofa of Evil - small update on the fish:  Total piscine death toll was 6 out of a possible 60-odd.  Interestingly, all of the neon tetras bought the farm (should that be "tank", in the case of fish?  Or maybe something a leetle more aspirational, dahling - oasis?), plus my dear loach (called Ken, of course).  Sob!  Only one guppy popped his clogs, and that was clearly a case of gluttony, although I must take full blame.  Guppies are obviously hardiest.  I shall remember this when adopting future fish.

Anyway - let's hope that this current bout of sofa-lounging doesn't result in anyone's death.  Although I caught The Gitten with a very sleepy frog this morning, but I don't think it can be blamed on my anticipated slothfulness, as the Universe didn't know at the time that I was going to spend the day with my feet up.  Or did it...?  Heh heh - course it didn't, just kidding.

Fortunately, Hairy and The Gitten seem prepared to run the risk of The Sofa of Evil, so I have companions in my perilous journey.  Or lack of journey, come to think of it.  And it's back to the physio on Thursday for a good telling off for teaching Zumba tomorrow night.  Yeah, I know it hasn't happened yet, so I could avoid a scolding, but let's face it.  It's inevitable.

Anyway, I can sit here a-blogging all day - I have to be getting on with doing nothing, thank-you-very-much.  And I need to finish the other side of my bag - here's side one:

Old-fangled tweeting, innit?

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